Press! Is it time to collect reviews so they're not lost? Perhaps:

"The queen of improv in Minneapolis" - Chicago Magazine, April 2005

“Bernard performs with her hair tied up in two little buns on top of her head, a Minnie-meets-Princess-Leia effect. During a performance, it becomes apparent that they mask little antennae which channel energy like the electrified cables on a bumper car.” - Anne Ursu, City Pages, 10/14/98

“‘Ibsen was being metaphorical,’ the program reads. ‘We're not.’ And therein lies the explanation for one of the most delightful and peculiar features in the Fringe--a staged reading of Ibsen's overwrought one-act of gender liberation, mounted in a tiny, four-foot-by-four-foot cubby at the back of the Acadia's basement. It's a playing area so small that actors must double over to stand and must necessarily step on and push past each other simply to move. This renders lines such as ‘I've been struggling under the most restrictive circumstances,’ hilariously literal. Director Jill Bernard has discovered a gimmicky and ingenious way to illuminate some of the desperation and panic in the text.” – Max Sparber, City Pages, 8/2/00

“In one sketch written by Bernard, two women who share an identical name, identical threadbare sweaters, and an identical adenoidal voice, show up to the same date with Joseph Scrimshaw. (The pseudo twins are played by Bernard and dancer Adrienne English, who is Joseph Scrimshaw's wife). They bring with them an unopened envelope, addressed to a third woman of the same name, inviting her out to dinner. As long as the envelope remains unopened, they argue, Joseph Scrimshaw has invited not only one of the three out to dinner, but all three at the same time. And when Scrimshaw, in a frustrated rage, tears open the envelope, the two women howl simultaneously that he has disrupted the universe, and begin to spin around each other as though the universe were, indeed, collapsing in on itself. The name of the sketch is "Schroedinger's Date," based on physicist's Erwin Schroedinger's somewhat obtuse paradox of quantum mechanics, involving a cat, a closed steel box containing a radioactive substance that might trigger some murderous device, and the (im)possibility that the cat might be at once dead and alive. This is not exactly sketch comedy that shoots for the lowest common denominator, despite the frequent presence of rubber chickens.” - Max Sparber, City Pages, 2/21/01

"The red team's first team game was "Emotion Pik-a-Mix"....Ms. Bernard handled her transitions beautifully, moving from a stubborn Croatian one second and a sly Frenchman the next." - Michael Staffa,, 8/10/01

"Funniest gal in town!" - Dean Seal, Skyway News, 1/28/02